Category Archives: blogging

a cut and paste from Creative Jewish Mom

I get so many ideas from this incredible blog, you really should go and have a squizz if you aren’t already following her: Creative Jewish Mom. (I can’t reblog because we use different apps, so I’ve cut and paste.)

I mean, how flipping wantable is this – !!??

hearts creative

To be continued…

a year on

Today is my bloggy birthday.


I’m quite pleased with myself – I’ve been pretty good over the years at not finishing what I start (from small things like knitting projects to bigger things like marriage and writing a novel). Usually, I start second-guessing: as in, This jersey doesn’t feel like it’s the right size, rip it out, or I don’t like all the chainy things in this pattern, chuck it in the bin, or This concept isn’t working and you can’t write anyway, no-one will read this crap… I need to stop that. I need to FINISH WHAT I START, even if that requires switching off the self-criticism and putting my doubts on hold.

So, a year of maintaining something that requires regular input and thought and effort is something to be proud of, for me. Meeting all of you and being inspired in return is a huge bonus.

I guess I should announce a give-away to celebrate, like all the generous crafty bloggers do, and I will – but not today. Today I am going to finish allowing my back to recover, and if that means spending it lounging on my bed in pyjamas being served peeled grapes by a virile young Argentinian in a leather crocheted thong with Nickelback’s latest cd in the background, then I must just accept that gracefully.

To be continued…

the slippery slope

I have one of these buggers: a slipped disc, possibly caused by carrying a very heavy old door from the spare room to the lounge early this morning, in a lightbulb moment of interior design upcycling. And if it wasn’t that, then it was my demonstration to Alex yesterday of how to do a roll-up in pilates. I haven’t attempted one in nearly five years and, truthfully, it just about flipping killed me.

Either way, I should be typing this standing up or flat on my back, neither of which is comfortable. And since I am to spend the next 3 days resting, and can’t even crochet because I can’t do that flat on my back, I’ll have to take comfort in my Carl Hiassen omnibus and my secret stash of Milo bars and bid you farewell for a little while.

To be continued…


Happy New Year!

I have started my 2013 jar a la Rachel in her post that I reblogged yesterday, so already I feel like I have ticked something off my list of things to do.

And this picture below, while not looking like much to get excited over, represents the start of my commitment to being tidier and more organised this year.


I had bits of stuff and pots of cuttings all over my little garden and patio, and it was looking really messy and unloved. I dug out two pieces of wood from the garage  (rescued from a neighbour’s kitchen-gutting months back) and Rob turned them into shelves for me.  The large teapot is a birthday present from Anne, and now houses an ivy plant. The small one was accidentally broken and given to me to use in a mosaic.  This obviously never happened, and I think it will look lovely as a planter.  It had better.

And, as I shouldn’t need to point out, what’s a patio without disco balls? Right, Lisa?

It’s been almost a year since I started blogging, encouraged by the witty and well-travelled Rowena (Reading and Writing), and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it (sometimes I pretend it’s “work”, hahaha). It has helped me focus on what I do and what I’m trying to do, and led to meeting and being inspired by some talented and wonderful people all over the world.  I’ve even had to google some of the places that you guys hail from, so you’ve broadened my education as well – Wisconsin, Mikkeli, Wellington…

Wishing you all good health, happiness, brilliant creative ideas, and many many reasons to get up in the mornings.

To be continued…

Getting the look

Every day I check out Mimi G’s posts on how to Get the Look.

Isn’t she gorgeous? Here is more of today’s look: Mimi on Friday.

Why do I torture myself like this?  Mimi is under 30, petite, sexy, confident and stylish.  She can walk in those heels.  I am none of those things, and fall over if I’m not in flipflops.  I am the aardvark to her meerkat, the manatee to her minnow.

Here is the Jill G look today:

AWESOME!!!!!! hahahaha

To be continued….