Category Archives: birthday

a year on

Today is my bloggy birthday.


I’m quite pleased with myself – I’ve been pretty good over the years at not finishing what I start (from small things like knitting projects to bigger things like marriage and writing a novel). Usually, I start second-guessing: as in, This jersey doesn’t feel like it’s the right size, rip it out, or I don’t like all the chainy things in this pattern, chuck it in the bin, or This concept isn’t working and you can’t write anyway, no-one will read this crap… I need to stop that. I need to FINISH WHAT I START, even if that requires switching off the self-criticism and putting my doubts on hold.

So, a year of maintaining something that requires regular input and thought and effort is something to be proud of, for me. Meeting all of you and being inspired in return is a huge bonus.

I guess I should announce a give-away to celebrate, like all the generous crafty bloggers do, and I will – but not today. Today I am going to finish allowing my back to recover, and if that means spending it lounging on my bed in pyjamas being served peeled grapes by a virile young Argentinian in a leather crocheted thong with Nickelback’s latest cd in the background, then I must just accept that gracefully.

To be continued…

Four Goldbergs and a birthday

19 years ago I was in the labour ward at Constantiaberg Hospital with monitors and epidurals and a husband with a newspaper.  Breakfast was delivered, weirdly, even though I wasn’t supposed to eat anything – but nothing goes to waste around here, and I seem to remember that Melvin said they’d got the poached eggs just right.

I was reading The Tax Inspector by Peter Carey and letting the professionals do their stuff.  There was a phone close to my bed, so I took the opportunity to call Karen and ask her to bring plenty of food when she first came to visit. I’m organised like that!

By lunchtime nothing much had happened and Alex was taking her sweet time. Melvin decided to go for a drive. I was still busy reading and hoping that Karen had managed to find Milo bars.  Another check-up  – uh oh, things have gone fast forward – do you think you could put your book down now, Mrs Goldberg?

Melvin came back early from his drive, with just minutes to spare before the main action.  I was the centre of attention for far less time than I’d anticipated, then the spotlight fell on little Miss Goldberg. And it’s kind of stayed that way ever since.


Last night we went out for dinner to celebrate. Alex chose Fork in Long Street, a trendy new venue where I hope a lot of society people noticed me.



Happy birthday, my Lex, Lexi, Pixel, Muchi, Alexandra, Chickster. I wish you all love and happiness for ever.

To be continued…

And another birthday – gone, just like that!

I had the most wonderful day yesterday, for my birthday.
Daughter = happy, healthy, loving, beautiful, back in Cape Town where I can keep an eye on her.
Partner = considerate, kind, funny, loving and generous.
Mother = generous, kind, thoughtful, and got the day right for once.
Friends = some old, some new, all really lovely and definitely worth keeping.
Weather = perfect Spring day in Cape Town. A miracle!
Presents = a lot. Not that things in themselves are important to me, ahem, but damn I got some good ones…
Food = pizza and Swiss chocolate (not combined) = heaven.
Crafting time = got me some of that, too. Mosaiced seven crosses and finished 2 pairs of slippers.
Reading time = check. Reading a great murder horror mystery thing set in drugged-up California in the 70s.

Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10 = life is almost too good to be true. I am very aware of the corniness inherent in that statement, and I try to maintain an image of myself of Most Uncorny Person Ever (haha), but maybe I am not so cynical after all (deep down). Anyway, whatever I am, whatever the past threw at me, whatever the future holds, right now at this time, I am happy and grateful for all the good things in my life.
Now, who moved my prozac?…