Tag Archives: Stinky Fish

lightbulb moment, and what I can do with scraps

On Saturday at the Somerset West market someone picked up one of my stinky fish hats and tried it on. While she was admiring herself in the mirror (which Rob always hangs from the nearest plane tree), I thought what a shame it is that it takes so long to crochet them – everyone loves them, and I’m sure I’d sell more if I had them to sell. Then I had one of those l-bulb moments. I could SEW a stinky fish.

So that’s what I’ve been having fun doing. Here is Design Attempt #4. Instead of attaching fins, I’ve run some bits of netting along the three upper seams, and also let them drift a bit from the tail. I might go back to the fins, though, I’ll see.


I’m working out how best to do the lining, and also have plans to incorporate some glittery fabric liner, buttons and beads, bits of lace, and dried chicken bones. Okay, just kidding about the chicken bones. The netting is from a bag of scraps passed on to me by a sewing friend, Gail, because, as we all know, nothing need ever go to waste. Here it is next to the couch after I’ve scrabbled through it….

scraps gail

Super scorching sickly hot in Cape Town today. My experience with heat is that there’s no point trying to fight against it, better just to go with the flow. And what better way to do that than allowing a nap to hit on me….


more fishy business

The fish hats are proving very popular. I originally blogged about the Stinky Fish pattern here, and the pattern originally came from Catrina Usher, found here. She also has a great facebook page, here.

wed 2  stinky fish sam

stinky fish 3  stinky rainbow fish

fish hat 1

I’ve adapted the original pattern, as one does – working from the brim to the tail instead of the other way round, making different size fins, and lining the tail with felt (I find this gives a nice ‘hang’, and allows for a flatter look).  I also work different stitches as the mood takes me, and as the yarn allows me.

Having said all that, I don’t feel right calling my hats Stinky any more – as much as I’d like to! It’s a name dreamed up by the original designer for a differently made hat and, while I’ve sent her links to my blog and, as far as I know, haven’t trod on any toes, it doesn’t feel right to keep the name.  I’ve tried to come up with something as catchy and different, and at this stage all I’ve come up with is Happy Fish.

Is that lame? If you come up with something better, I’d be very pleased to hear it.

hats to the left of me hats to the right here i am….

Winter’s a-coming here in Cape Town and it’s getting chilly, so I’m sitting at my desk right now with A BIG FAT BRIGHT GREEN BONBON on my head! Nice and warm, and helps to keep the energy flowing (hopefully).

Just a brief update on the crochet lessons – my first lesson last Thursday went really really well, no whiskey required. I have the loveliest ladies in the world and we all got off to a good start. Tomorrow is Lesson #2, and I should be seeing some completed or almost-completed scarves, which will get jazzed up with a crocheted flower brooch. We’ll move on to the half treble and treble stitches, and get started on the fingerless mitts. Homework will be granny squares. (Yes, I give homework.) We had tea and Oreos – I didn’t have time to bake my own cookies. Who am I kidding, like that’s ever going to happen!

I had a lot of requests from people who want to learn crochet but can’t make a lesson during the working week, so I’m starting a new group on Saturday 7 June. Already fully booked! (I don’t want more than 5 learners, it’s nice to be able to give individual attention).

And in other news, I made my first delivery to A Real Shop yesterday, of penguin beanies and Ellas. I’m really hoping they do as well there as the owner seems to think.  The shop is called This Shop Rox, by the way, and it’s in the Hout Bay harbour area.

I’ve also been snowed under making hats – Mindys, Ellas, newsboys, men’s hats and caps, BonBons and stinky fish. Yip, a LOT of stinky fish. Here’s darling Kate in her new rainbow stinky, and the larger one pictured below on Carol is a special order from Kate’s mom as a birthday gift for a friend.

kate pic  wed wed 2 wed 3 wed 4

wed 5 wed 6

It’s overcast and a bit drizzly here, so Carol kept yelling at me to hurry up with the pics because I insisted on taking them outside. Consequently, some of them are rather poor. I think she forgets who pays the rent around here!!!

Back soon x

the stinky fish hat

I can’t remember what or who started the internet trail that led to me finding this pattern, but here we are. This is designed by Catrina Usher, who I think came up with a really brilliant idea with her Stinky Fish hat. It’s a free pattern on Ravelry.

Here is my version:

stinky fish 2

stinky fish 1

stinky fish 3

It’s a bit tight on Carol because it’s toddler size, but it’ll be dead easy to make bigger sizes.  I fiddled with the pattern a bit (didn’t do all the fancy stitches, used buttons for eyes, and left off the top fin) but I love it! It’s really versatile, as you’ll see from the photos on Ravelry that people have sent in.

Stinky Fish will come with me to the Somerset West market on Saturday, let’s see if anyone wants to buy it!

Back soon x